
Bettadapura Sidilu Mallikarjuna Swamy

  Bettadapura Sidilu Mallikarjuna Swamy Where is Bettadapura? Bettadapura Sidilu Mallikarjuna Swamy is near Periyapatna at a distance of 15 kms on Periyapatna Hassan road.    It will take less than 30 minutes at any time of the day.    Periyapatna is 67 kms from Mysore, on the Mysore Madikeri Road.   Bettadapura is the village name and the hill temple Bettadapura Sidilu Mallikarjuna Swamy is well before the village if you travel from Periyapatna.   History and Legends of Bettadapura Sidilu Mallikarjuna Swamy.   1.   A cow reared by a man let in the morning freely for grazing and used to return back in the evening.   It started giving less and less milk on daily basis.    To know the truth once he followed the cow.    The cow went to the hill top and poured milk over the lingam in the hill top.    Out of curiosity when he dig further in that place he saw a lingam.    2.   Si...

Thalai Malai Sanjeeva Raya Perumal.

  Thalaimalai Sanjeeva Raya Perumal Temple: A Trekker's Guide   During the pandemic, many trekking places were closed, including some of my favorites. Now that things have opened up, I'm excited to share my recent adventure to Thalaimalai Sanjeeva Raya Perumal Temple. This temple is located in the Thalaimalai Reserve Forest, situated between the Namakkal and Musiri highway. To help you plan your own trek, I've organized this blog post into several sections:   1. Location   The temple is perched on the highest peak of the Thalaimalai Reserve Forest. You can reach it by taking a right turn from either Erumaipatti or Varagur village if you're coming from Namakkal. From Musiri, turn right at Manalmedu or go directly through Thumbalam village. Namakkal is about an hour's drive away (33 km), while Musiri is a shorter 45-minute drive (23 km). If you're looking for accommodations, Namakkal offers more options as it's the district headquarters.   2. L...